Access Innovations has created a COVID-19 mini-thesaurus and it is freely available to everyone. It can be downloaded here.

This valuable resource will help those professionals who are seeking to comprehensively search for information about COVID-19 targets. As new areas of scientific research, like COVID-19, rapidly emerge and evolve, it is important to incorporate proper terminology when searching for information.

Taxonomies bring consistency. Whether you are talking about queries or processes, systems or standards, consistency makes the outcomes more reliable because of the consistent approach to the data or topic. This has likely never been more important than during a pandemic.

Taxonomy often refers to any of various kinds of controlled vocabularies. The word taxonomy has become the standard term of reference in the business, outside library applications. However, a taxonomy and a thesaurus are not the same thing.

The usual differentiating distinction is that a thesaurus has all the features of a taxonomy plus the addition of associative relationships.

It is important to remember the value of a solid taxonomy and a thesaurus and its role in the search process. How the content is classified impacts the findability of your data. Professionals should look for an experienced builder of solid standards-based taxonomies to associate content for appropriate machine-assisted indexing. Access Innovations has extensive experience in constructing taxonomies for academic publishers and can provide solutions that are ANSI compliant.

Melody K. Smith

Sponsored by Data Harmony, a unit of Access Innovations, the world leader in indexing and making content findable.